Dictionaries in Python

Dictionaries in Python

In Python programming, the dictionary (dict) data type is a powerful data storage element structure that helps Python programmers to store declared dictionary data elements in key-pair order. Remember, Python dictionary data types are mutable, unordered collections of dictionary objects. Where in each Python program, declared dictionary items are stored and processed in key-pair order.

Dictionaries in Python

So let’s understand the dictionary data type better in Python programming.

Creating a dictionary data element in Python.

If you want to declare a dictionary data type in a Python program, you can create a dictionary data by enclosing different dictionary data elements in key-pair combinations with curly braces {} along with the comma operator.

# let Creating an no element dictionary in Python

sample_dict = {}

# let create a dictionary element with its key-pair element

cloth = {

“shirts”: 9,

“t shirts”: 8,

“trowser”: 11


# let create a python dictionary data type with multiple combination of data values

employee = {

“emp_name”: “ajit”,

“emp_age”: 45,

“salary”: 999.00


Basic python dictionary example.

# let create a dictionary element with its key-pair element

clouth = {

“shirts”: 9,

“t shirts”: 8,

“trowser”: 11


# let create a python dictionary data type with multiple combination of data values

employee = {

“emp_name”: “ajit”,

“emp_age”: 45,

“salary”: 999.00


print(clouth[“shirts”]) # the result is – 9

print(clouth[“trowser”]) # the result is – 11

print(employee[“emp_name”]) # the result is – ajit

print(employee[“salary”]) # the result is – 999.0

Accessing Python Dictionary Elements.

You can access the values ​​associated with the keys in a dictionary declared in Python program by using square brackets [] and dictionary key.

# Accessing values ​​by Python dictionary data key

# let use Python dictionary data Accessing values ​​by its key value

print(clouth[“shirts”]) # the result is – 9

print(employee[“emp_name”]) # the result is – ajit

If the dictionary key does not exist, accessing the dictionary data will generate a key error. To avoid this, you can use the Python get() method, which allows you to specify default values ​​when the dictionary data key is not found.

print(clouth.get(“shirts”, 0))

print(clouth.get(“trowser”, 0))

Modifying Python dictionary data.

Dictionary data types declared in a Python program are mutable, so you can modify your dictionary keys by defining new values, adding new key-value pairs, or modifying existing dictionary elements by adding or deleting existing key values.

# let Modifying dictionary existing element values

clouth[“shirts”] = 13

print(clouth) # the resut is – {‘shirts’: 13, ‘t shirts’: 8, ‘trowser’: 11}

# let Adding or deleting new key-values to the existing dictionary

clouth[“vimal shirt”] = 15

print(clouth) # the resut is – {‘shirts’: 13, ‘t shirts’: 8, ‘trowser’: 11, ‘vimal shirt’: 15}

# let Deleting Python dictionary data element key-value pairs

del clouth[“trowser”]

print(clouth) # the resut is – {‘shirts’: 13, ‘t shirts’: 8, ‘vimal shirt’: 15}

Python dictionary operations.

In a Python program, you can perform various programming operations on a dictionary, such as checking for members (in), repetition on keys, values ​​or items, and finding the length (len()).

# let check member in Python dictionary member

print(“shirts” in clouth) # the result is – true

print(“trowser” in clouth) # the result is – true

# let repeatition over Python dictionary keys values

for key in clouth:


# let repeat over Python dictionary values

for value in clouth.value():


# let repeat on move over Python dictionary key-value pairs

for key, value in clouth.items():

print(key, value)

# let findout the Length of Python dictionary element


Python Dictionary Comprehension.

Similar to list comprehensions in Python programming, you can create dictionary data elements using dictionary comprehensions in Python programs.

# let Create a dictionary of square root of numbers from 2 to 10

sqrt = {p: p**2 for p in range(2, 10)}

print(sqrt) # let teh result is – {2: 4, 3: 9, 4: 16, 5: 25, 6: 36, 7: 49, 8: 64, 9: 81}

Python nested dictionaries.

Dictionaries can be included as other dictionary values ​​inside Python programs, allowing you to create nested dictionary data structures.

# let create Python Nested Dictionary

developer = {

“lalit”: {“age”:40, “web developer”: “forntend developer”},

“ajit”: {“age”:39, “python developer”: “backend developer”}


print(developer[“lalit”]) # the result is – {‘age’: 40, ‘web developer’: ‘forntend developer’}

print(developer[“ajit”]) # the result is – {‘age’: 39, ‘python developer’: ‘backend developer’}

Use of Dictionaries in Python.

Dictionary Mapping – When you need to map keys to compatible values ​​in a Python program, you can use the dictionary data type element.

Dictionaries Faster Lookup – Dictionaries provide fast lookup time features to access dictionary values ​​based on dictionary keys in a Python program.

Dictionaries Flexible Data Structure – Use dictionary data type for structure data in Python programming. Where each part of the stored dictionary data information is associated with a unique key.