What and How to HTML

What is span in html

The “span” is an inline-level tag or component on any HTML(hypertext markup language) web page. Used to group and apply styles to a certain segment of text or inline content within a bigger block of text in HTML header or paragraph tags. The “span” element is mostly used in html web pages for CSS style or to apply CSS classes, it has no intrinsic semantic value.

What and How to HTML

Below is the example of how the “span” element is used in HTML.



<h1>Html Span Tag</h1>

<p>Welcome to <span style=”color: teal;”>Vcanhelpsu.com</span> Website</p>



How to center image in html, how to center an image in html, how to center text in html

Even if HTML5 considers the <center> tag to be outdated.

Below is an example.



<h1>Html Img Center Tag</h1>


    <img src=”myimage.png” alt=”myimage description” height=”250″ width=”250″>




How to add image in html, how to add image html, how to add images in html, how to add image to html, how to add a image in html, How to add an image to html, How to insert image in html

The <img> tag can be used in HTML to insert an image.

Below is an example of how to include an image in your HTML code.



<h1>How to add Image in html</h1>


 <img src=”logo.png” alt=”logoimage description” height=”300″ width=”250″>




What are html tags

The building blocks of code for HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) pages are called HTML tags. The structure, content, and display of online content on web pages are specified by the html element. Angle brackets (<>) encompass all HTML tags, which are always used in pairs. It contains the html element, which is used both as an opening and a closing tag. An HTML tag element’s opening tag denotes its start. The closing tag, on the other hand, denotes the end of that element.

What is br in html

Line breaks or separations resembling line breaks are added to HTML(hypertext markup language) paragraphs of text on web pages using the <br> element. The br tag denotes a “line break” and is self-closing, thus it doesn’t need a closing tag.

Below is an example of how to use the <br> tag.



<h1>How to add br tag in html</h1>




How to insert an image in html, how to insert images in html, how to insert image html, how to insert a image in html, How to add an image in html

If you want to add a picture to a live HTML page.

Follow the below image insert syntax.

<img src=”windows.png” alt=”windowsimage description” height=”300″ width=”250″>

What is ul in html

The <ul> element is used to generate an unordered text list in an HTML(hypertext markup language) web page. “Unregulated List” is what “UL” stands for. The order of the text elements in an unordered list is irrelevant. The items are typically denoted by bullet points or other marker styles.

Below is the example of how to use the <ul> tag to create an unordered list.



<h1>How to add ul tag in html</h1>


  <li>”O” Level</li>

  <li>”A” Level</li>

  <li>”B” Level</li>

  <li>”C” Level</li>




Html how to learn, how to learn html

Learning HTML(hypertext markup language) is a wonderful place to start if you want to design websites. And in order to learn it, you need to stick to the below-listed instructions.

  • Understanding the fundamentals of HTML
  • Learn the fundamentals of HTML first.
  • Html Install notepad++, the sublime text editor, atom, and additional views. Set up your programming environment.
  • Know about every HTML tag.
  • Perform a few quick HTML tasks.
  • Keep going to practice HTML.
  • Read a few of the best-selling HTML books.
  • Enroll in or buy a course on HTML online.

What is the attributes in html

Attributes in HTML give additional details about HTML tag components. They are inserted within the opening tag of an HTML element and are used to change the behavior or look of elements. An equivalent sign (=) and quote marks separate the name and value that make up an attribute.

Below is an example of an element with attributes.




<h1>Html Attributes Example</h1>

<a href=”https://vcanhelpsu.com” target=”_blank”>Open Vcanhelpsu Website</a>



What is hr in html

The hr tag in HTML designates a horizontal rule or break in a theme-based web page. “Horizontal rule” is what “HR” stands for. It is a self-closing tag, thus a closing tag is not necessary.

In an HTML page, the <hr> element is used to visually divide the material into parts. In doing so, a horizontal line or rule is drawn across the contained element’s width. The horizontal rule appears by default as a horizontal line. It stretches from its container’s edge to edge.

Below is an example of how to use the <hr> tag in html.




<h1>Html Hr Tag Example</h1>

<p>First line of the text</p>

<hr size=10 color=”teal” width=1100>

<p>Second line of the text</p>

<hr size=15 color=”brown” width=1100>



How to change the color of the text in html, how to change text color with html, how to change color of text in html, how to change text color html, how to change text color on html, how to change the color of text in html, how to change text color in html

In an HTML web page, you may alter the text color. You may thus utilize the CSS color attribute.

Here is an example of how to change the color of html text.

Change html text color with Inline css Style.




<h1>Change Html text color Example</h1>

<h1 style=”color: brown;”>Html text color change with brown text</h1>

<h2 style=”color: teal;”>Html text color change with teal in html </h2>



What does html stand for?

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language.

What is td in html

A table cell within an HTML table is defined by the <td> table data element in an HTML web page. “Table Data” is what “TD” stands for. A <tr> (table row) element’s child element is often where it is utilized.

Below is the example of how the <td> element is used in an HTML table.




<h1>Td Table Tag Example</h1>

<table border=”1″>


    <td>Td element 1</td>

    <td>Td element 2</td>

    <td>Td element 3</td>



    <td>Td element 4</td>

    <td>Td element 5</td>

    <td>Td element 6</td>





How to change the font in html, how to change font html, how to change font in html

The CSS font-family property may be used to modify the font in HTML.

Below example show how to change html text font.




<h1>Html text font change</h1>

<p style=”font-family: monotype corsiva”>This is the html font change example</p>

<p style=”font-family: times new roman”>This is the html font change example</p>



What is li in html

A list item is defined by the <li> element on an HTML web page. A list item is denoted by “li.” To generate numbered or bulleted lists, it is commonly used as a child element of <ul> (unordered list) or <ol> (ordered list) elements.

Below is the example of how the <li> element is used in HTML.




<h1>Html li Tag Example</h1>













How to comment in html

The following syntax can be used to add comments to HTML documents.

<! — This is a comment in HTML –>

<!–> Anything inserted in the space between<!–> is regarded as a remark and is not displayed by the browser. Adding explanations, temporarily stopping code, or giving other developers directions are all possible using comments.

Below is an example of how you can use comments in HTML.




<h1>Html li Tag Example</h1> <! — This is the h1 tag in html –>

<p>Simple paragraph tag</p><! — This is the p tag in html –>






<big>This is a big text</big><! — This is the big tag in html –>



What is p in html

The <p> element in an HTML web page is used to specify paragraphs of text. “A new paragraph” is denoted by the “p.” It belongs to the block level. Which is an independent paragraph text block.

In HTML texts, the <p> element is frequently used to organize and arrange text content. Textual material may be organized by using paragraphs. Enabling logical separation and readability in the process.

Below is an example of how the <p> element is used in HTML.




<h1>Html P Tag Example</h1>

<p><b>First simple paragraph tag</b></p>

<p><i>Second simple paragraph tag</i></p>

<p><u>Third simple paragraph tag</u></p>



How to resize image html, how to resize image in html, how to resize an image html, how to resize an image in html

The CSS width and height properties as well as the style attribute may be used to resize an image in HTML.

How to image resize html example.




<h1>Html Resize Image Tag Example</h1>

<img src=”newimage.jpg” alt=”this is a newimage” style=”width: 330px; height: auto;”>

<img src=”testimage.jpg” alt=”testimage” style=”width: 350px; height: 250px;”>



What is tr in html

A table row is defined by the <tr> element on an HTML web page. Table row is abbreviated as “tr.” For the purpose of creating tabular data structures in html tables, it is frequently used in combination with the <td> (table cell) element.

Below is an example of how the <tr> element is used in HTML.




<h1>Table Tr Tag in Html</h1>

<table border=”1″>


    <td>Table Cell </td>

    <td>Table Cell</td>

    <td>Table Cell</td>



    <td>Table Cell</td>

    <td>Table Cell</td>

    <td>Table Cell</td>





How to change background color html, how to change background color on html

The CSS background-color property may be used to alter the background color in HTML.

Below Example show how you can do it.



<body style=”background-color: #F9FF33;”>

<h1 style=”background-color: #FF5733;”>Body background tag in Html</h1>

<h2 style=”background-color: #34495E;”> You can clearly see active web page body background changed</h2>



What is html dom

The document object model in HTML is called the DOM. The structure and content of the HTML page you generate are represented as a tree-like structure using a standard programming interface for HTML web page documents. Using javascript or other programming languages, the HTML DOM offers a better method to interact with HTML components and change their attributes, content, and structure.

Various web page content elements objects may be found in the HTML DOM tree. They represent various sections of an HTML website document. Such as text nodes, attributes, and other components of web pages. Scripting languages may be used to access, alter, and modify each object that represents an HTML element in the HTML DOM tree.