Box-sizing in css


In HTML web pages, web developers can manage and control CSS box model sizing default properties by custom modifying the height, width, padding, and box border attributes of existing box model web page elements. While by default, box model sizing is helpful in representing the height and width information of display elements in web page boxes that do not have box model sizing box padding and border attributes, you can deal with and preview responsive box elements by using box sizing custom properties to layout them.


CSS Box-Sizing Attributes.

css content-box (default) attributes.

In designed HTML web pages, height and width attributes are applied to existing web page box model content. With this, box model sizing previews padding and border height and width properties, where as content box models hold user-defined content and define multiple CSS box model sizing attributes.

How to Apply Content Box-Sizing Attributes.

  • Total box model width = width + padding-left + padding-right + border-left + border-right
  • Total box model height = height + padding-top + padding-bottom + border-top + border-bottom

CSS Box content Sizing Attributes example.

.content-box-model {

box-sizing: content-box;

width: 300px;

height: 200px;

padding: 40px;

border: 7px solid red;

background-color: lime;

margin-bottom: 10px;


css border-box sizing attributes.

In the existing HTML web page, you can find the box height, width, box content, padding and box border features in box model sizing. So that the total size of the existing HTML web page element will be equal to the custom user defined height and width. Through which you will be able to custom edit the web page box model size border properties.

How to Apply Border Box-Sizing Attributes.

  • Box border-sizing width = border content width + padding + border
  • Box border-sizing height = border content height + padding + border

CSS Box Border Sizing Attributes example.

.content-box-model {

box-sizing: content-box;

width: 300px;

height: 200px;

box-sizing: border-box;

width: 400px;

padding: 30px;

border: 10px solid red;


Use of border-box-sizing attributes in css.

  • Designing HTML web pages using border-box-css properties helps to apply height width border attributes in web page layout. Especially for web developers in responsive web page website design and development.
  • With border-box CSS attributes, you get the desired modification features in particular height and width padding and border in web page elements, which makes it easier to manage and control web page elements properly.

Applying CSS box-sizing attributes globally in HTML web pages.

Here you can apply border-box attributes in universal order to all tag elements in any of your HTML web page website projects. Where you can use it in the desired HTML web page by applying universal selector attributes.

* {

box-sizing: border-box;


Box-sizing and box values ​​​​example in html web page.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang=”en”>


    <meta charset=”UTF-8″>

    <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″>

    <title>Css Box-Sizing And Box-Border Attributes Code </title>


        /* let add custom box-sizing attributes */

        .box-content-model {


            text-align: center;

            font-size: 1.7;

            font-family: times new roman;

            box-sizing: content-box;

            width: 100px;

            height: 100px;

            padding: 40px;

            border: 8px solid blue;

            background-color: yellow;

            margin-bottom: 30px;


        /* Let Add some border-box Attributes */

        .box-border-model {


            text-align: right;

            box-sizing: border-box;

            width: 200px;

            height: 200px;

            padding: 40px;

            border: 9px solid red;

            background-color: aqua;





    <div class=”box-content-model”>It Contain Box Content Model Css Attributes </div>

    <div class=”box-border-model”>IT Display Border Box Css Attributes </div>



html web page border-box-sizing attribute explained.

In any design developed HTML web page, box-sizing attributes allow you to control the height, width, padding, and border attributes or properties of the box model used.

  • css content-box (default) – Here these box sizing attributes will be applied to the height and width element in the content.
  • css border-box – Box-border properties provide height, width, padding and box border custom edit features in your box model. These help you in responsive web page layout management in your web page.
  • css box-sizing – Universal border-box in a particular HTML web page; attributes are applied to more than one HTML web page element at the same time. These help you develop an adjustable responsive web page box model element.