Variables and constants in C

Variables and constants in C

In C programming, variables and constants declared in the program are essential program components used to store different types of data values ​​and manipulate program values. Variables and program constants in C programs serve different programming purposes, and variables and program constants are declared in slightly different ways depending on the proper program syntax.

Variables and constants in C

Variables in C Programming.

Variables are used in C programming to store many types of data and information that may change during the execution of a C program. Program variables in the C language are declared with a specific data type, which determines what type of data value the program variable you declare can hold. In C, variables are declared in the program before they are used.

// Declaration and Initialization of Variables in C Language

int k = 7;

float temperature = 100;

char text = ‘T’;

In the above example:

k is an integer variable that stores k variable values.

temperature is a floating-point data type variable that stores temperature values.

text is a character variable that stores a single text value.

Constants in C Language.

Constant data type is used to store the values ​​that do not change the constant program value during the execution of a C program. They are manually declared using the const keyword in C language, and always remember that constant program value values ​​can never be modified once they are assigned.

// Declaration of constants in C language

const int decimal = 230;

const float salary = 1789.45;

const char info = ‘a’;

In the above example:

decimal is a constant declared variable. which stores decimal value.

salary is a constant which stores the declared salary value.

a is a constant variable which stores a single a character variable value.

Constants are helpful in defining those values ​​which should not be changed even by mistake during program execution, it means if you have declared a constant variable in C programming then it cannot be changed, constants in C language are to improve program code readability and facilitate program maintenance.

Major difference between variable and constant.

Initialization – A variable declared in a C program can be initialized or changed at the time of declaration or later in the program, whereas constants in C programs are to be initialized at the time of program declaration, and can never be modified in the program after that.

Declaration – In C language variables are declared using a specific data type (e.g., int, float, char). While constant variables are generally declared using the const keyword, in C you can declare constant data types and names in many ways (e.g., const int, const float, const char).

Mutability – In C language program variables can be changed during program execution. While the constant value declared in a C program cannot be changed. If a constant variable is given a value in C language, it remains the same throughout the execution of the program. It can never be changed.