The HTML document skeleton

The HTML document skeleton: <!DOCTYPE html>, <html>, <head>, <body> in html

If you are going to learn HTML web page design, then you must first understand the HTML document structure well. In the basic HTML document structure format layout, <!DOCTYPE html>, <html>, <head>, <body> tags are displayed or added. Where <!DOCTYPE html> is the html 5 tag indicator, <html> this tag starts the HTML script, the web page heading information is displayed in the <head> tag, similarly the web page body or complete web page structure information is displayed in the <body> tag.

The HTML document skeleton in html

Always remember that an HTML document tag line usually starts with the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration, followed by the root <html> tag element. Inside the <html> tag, you can display <head> and <body> and other important HTML tags. All these HTML tags together design a basic HTML web structure layout.

<!DOCTYPE html> <!– indicate current web page document version and their type –>

<html lang=”en”>  <!– display web page content default language –>

<head> <!– display web page heading information –>

    <meta charset=”UTF-8″> <!– display web page meta information –>

    <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″>

    <title>add your web page title</title> <!– display web page title information –>

    <!– add web page meta information and internal/external css link  –>

</head> <!– close head tag here –>

<body> <!– display web page body content here –>

    <!– everything you want to display in your web page add here –>



HTML document/web page layout details.

  • <!DOCTYPE html> – It displays the current HTML document format and version information at the top of the designed web page.
  • <html lang=”en”> – The default language in which your web page is written, where SEO or search engines know the language of the current web page’s HTML document. These lang tag attributes indicate the web browser the document language of your web page.
  • <head> – The head tag contains the web page heading information, it displays meta-information about the HTML document, such as the character encoding format of the current web page, the web page viewport setting and the web page document title. It can also display CSS stylesheets internal or external and script links.
  • <body> – The body tag displays and holds the entire web page tags and elements displayed in your web browser. Usually you first display the body color or body background information in it.

Remember – You can customize the <head> tag and <body> tag section elements in the web page anytime with your special contents, web page styles and css scripts as per your HTML web page requirement.