

Recursion function is a powerful programming technique or method in C language where a function declared in a C program calls itself directly or indirectly to solve a larger problem by referring to a smaller example model of the same function problem. In C language, the use of recursion function is particularly useful for subtasks that are solved by dividing a complex or large program project into smaller, similar sub-problems or smaller modules.


Example of Recursive Function in C.

An example of a general recursion is calculating the factorial numbers of a number (n!), which is solved in this way in the function.

num! = num * (num-1) * (num-2) * … * 1

Here 0! is defined as 1.

Find factorial using recursion in C program.

#include <stdio.h>

// Function declaration

unsigned int fact(unsigned int num);

// Function definition

unsigned int fact(unsigned int num) {

//when factorial num is 0

if (num == 0) {

return 1;


// count factorial of num is num * fact(num-1)

otherwise {

return num * fact(num – 1);



int main() {

unsigned int decimal = 7;

unsigned int output = fact(decimal);

printf(“\n Factorial is – %u is %u”, decimal, output);

return 0;
