Print statement and input from user

Print statement and input from user

If you want to see the result of declaring variable values ​​in Python program and take input values ​​directly from user in the program. Then here is a simple Python program which shows the example of printing a Python program statement by programmer and taking input from programmer/user in Python program.

Print statement and input from user

# Print a simple statement in Python programming

print(“Hi, welcome to python programming”)

# Print user name

print(“Hi!, Please enter your full name -“)

# Take manual input from user in the program here

user_name = input(“please enter your name “)

# Take input from user and print a message

print(f”Hi, {user_name}! you are welcome to python.”)

In the above Python program script.

print(“Hi!, Please enter your full name -“) The Python program statement prints a message on the console screen.

user_name = input(“please enter your name “) This statement asks the Python programmer to enter his name, and here the user input will be stored in the variable user_name.

Finally, print(f”Hi, {user_name}! you are welcome to python.”) The programmer prints a program statement using the program user input provided by the user.

# Print input statement in Python

print(“let input your age -“)

# Programmer takes direct input from the user

age = input()

# Convert the input variable to integer data type

age = int(age)

# Print a statement using the input

print(f”here You can manual your age {age}.”)

In the above Python program statement.

print(“let input your age -“) The programmer asks the user to input their age and prints a message.

age = input() inputs the age from the programmer/user. It will input the age and print the age on the screen.

age = int(age) int() here converts the input (which is declared in a string) data type to integer format using int function.

print(f”here You can manual your age {age}.”) prints the statements in the console screen based on the input entered by the programmer/user.

A program example for print and user input in Python.

# the below program shows you student name, course, contact and print this information on console screen

# enter student name in console screen

stu_name = input(” enter student name – “)

# enter student course in console screen

course = input(” enter your course detail – “)

# enter student contact in console screen

contact = input(“Please enter your contact – “)

# use int function to Convert string to integer

contact = int(contact)

# let print student name, course, contact information

print(f” student name is” – {stu_name})

print(f” student contact is” -{contact})

print(f” student course is” – {course})

print(“Welcome to python”)