Introduction to the figure and figcaption elements
In HTML5 web pages, <figure> and <figcaption> tag elements are used to group multimedia content such as images, drawings, shapes and any other type of visible graphics images and multimedia object content information in the website and provide meaningful description. Here figure and figcaption tags preview multimedia objects by adding captions and descriptions to the media content, which improves user access to these objects in search engines and webpage and SEO search engine rankings.
<figure> tag in HTML5.
In HTML5 web pages, the <figure> tag is a built-in caption or description container. Generally, the figure tag is used to display multimedia content information displayed in a web page, such as pictures, videos or illustrations, by organizing alternative captions or descriptions as needed.
Figure Attributes in HTML5.
- HTML5 Semantic Grouping – It is used to analyse and group multimedia content information and its related captions or descriptions in a web page.
- HTML5 autonomous – In HTML5 web page, the display information inside the <figure> tag is self-contained, this helps to explain the nature of the document.
Uses of the figure tag in HTML5.
In HTML5 web page, the figure tag is used to wrap multimedia objects or images, videos, apart from this, <figcaption> tag is used to provide other details.
Figure tag example.
<img src=”logo.jpg” alt=”Company Logo”>
<figcaption>Vcanhelpsu Company Logo</figcaption>
Figure tag explanation in HTML5.
In HTML5 web page, the <img> tag is used in the <figure> element to provide a detailed caption about the existing image, which displays the caption of the image you have added, while the use of <figcaption> tag provides a detailed description to the existing image multimedia object.
<figcaption> tag in HTML5.
Use of <figcaption> tag in HTML5 web page It displays captions and detailed descriptions for image multimedia object content inside <figure> tag applied in web page.
figcaption attributes in HTML5.
- figcaption placement – Figcaption tag is used in web page to provide description for multimedia or image object, figcaption tag will be written inside image tag and <figure> tag.
- figcaption content – Figcaption content attributes provide detailed description or relative reference for existing web page multimedia object or image.
Use of figcaption tag in HTML5.
HTML5 web page uses it to display detailed text description in images, charts, drawings, pictures, to make simple web page information or content simpler or user understandable.
Example of figcaption tag in HTML5.
<img src=”html.png” alt=”html image”>
<figcaption>This image shows you detail about html (hypertext script markup language). </figcaption>
Figcaption tag explanation in HTML5.
The <figcaption> tag and <figure> tag in HTML5 web page will provide caption and detailed text description of the html image file.
Uses of <figure> and <figcaption> in HTML5.
HTML5 Improved Semantic Usage.
The <figure> tag and <figcaption> tag in HTML5 web page provide desired caption and description to the image and multimedia object content, making the related multimedia object meaningful and descriptive.
Enhanced user accessibility.
For disabled internet users using screen readers, <figcaption> tag provides captions for related images and multimedia objects, making it easier for every internet user to access and use these objects in a web page.
Improved webpage SEO.
In HTML5 web pages, <figcaption> tag is used to provide detailed text description captions for existing images or multimedia objects, where providing image multimedia captions in image figure tag helps in ranking images or multimedia objects in search engines.
Webpage post consistent styling.
In HTML5 web pages, <figure> tag and <figcaption> tag is used to provide proper captions and detailed descriptions for multimedia objects for ranking in SEO.
Figure and figcaption tag example.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=”en”>
<meta charset=” UTF-8″>
<title>HTML5 Figure And Figcaption Tag</title>
<h1>Let Tray Figure And Figcaption Tag Attributes</h1>
<p>Figure Tag Image Caption And Description</p>
<img src=”” alt=”Nice Mountain Image” height=240 width=270 >
<figcaption>Nice Mountain Image With Surrounded By Ice.</figcaption>
<p>Figure Tag Video Caption And Description. </p>
<video controls>
<source src=”″ type=”video/mp4″>
Your Web Browser Not Compatiable, You Need To Update First It.
<figcaption>Nice Sparrow Video In Natures. </figcaption>
<p>Figure And Figcaption Tag Diagram Caption And Description. </p>
<img src=”” alt=”Nice astronat diagram” height=240 width=270>
<figcaption>Nice Astoranat Diagram, Shows In Space. </figcaption>