Form validation attributes: required, pattern, min, max
In HTML5 web development script form design, you get many new built-in form validation attributes or features, form validation can check and store digital form information filled and accessed by the internet user, as the web visitor fills digital information in these forms, then the form validation attributes provide the web visitor an accessible form fill environment with form validation features.
So let us know the multiple form attributes and features in HTML5 better.
Form required attribute.
In the HTML5 web page, the required form attributes in the design form indicate that you cannot complete the form without filling this form input field, that is, this form field is an important required field category, which is essential to fill in the form. Where in the design form, they are designed with required form attributes.
Example of Form required attribute.
<label for=”empname”>Employee Name – </label>
<input type=”text” id=”empname” name=”empname” required>
<input type=”submit” value=”Submit”>
Form Required Attributes Behavior.
Required Attributes are designed by the web developer in such a way that the form will not be submitted or processed without filling the required input form field, with this the web visitor must fill that field, and it will be displayed and processed as a required essential form field.
Form Pattern Attribute.
Pattern attributes in the form designed in HTML5 web page indicate a regular form expression attribute, it validates the user input form element with existing data and information. It allows the web visitor to perform custom form input control validation in text-based form input.
Web developer adds these attributes before applying text-based input form format in the design form to special input form format, web developer can apply desired form attributes like text, search, tel, url, email, etc. in special form attributes.
Example of form pattern attributes.
<label for=”pincode”>Pin Code – </label>
<input type=”text” id=”pincode” name=”pincode” pattern=”\d{5}” placeholder=”307001″ required>
<input type=”submit” value=”Submit”>
Form Pattern Attributes Explanation.
In the form pattern example given here, the pattern attributes indicates a regular expression regex (\d{5}), it validates a 5 numeric user input pin code. Here the form will be submitted only if the pin code input value follows this pattern attributes standard.
Form Pattern Behavior.
Here if the user input pin code integer value is not validated with the existing pattern, then it displays an error message in the form to the user.
Form Min attribute.
The minimum attributes in the form design in HTML5 web page follows the minimum acceptable attributes for user numeric input types like numeric, range, date, date-time-local, month, time, week. Remember, this applies a minimum form input control attributes in the form. As per the requirement, you can apply these attributes features for numeric or date time value form input control in the form design in HTML5 web page.
Example of Form Min attribute.
<label for=”yourage”>Enter Your Age – </label>
<input type=”number” id=”yourage” name=”yourage” min=”18″ required>
<input type=”submit” value=”Submit”>
Form Min attribute explanation.
Here in the above form min attribute, the user input age value in the input field control in the form should be at least more than 18 years, this is the main role of min form input attributes here.
Here if the user input age value is less than 18 years, then it will not allow the user to submit the form in the web browser, and the client will display an error message in the web browser window.
Form max attribute.
The maximum form attribute in HTML5 web page design form allows the web visitor to accept the maximum value in the form input control types like Numeric, Range, Date, Date-Time-Local, Month, Time, Week form input control.
Form max attribute usage.
You can apply the maximum form attribute to accept the required numeric or date time form user value in the form designed in HTML5 web page.
Example of Form max attribute.
<label for=”amount”>Amount – </label>
<input type=”number” id=”amount” name=”amount” min=”1″ max=”20″ required>
<input type=”submit” value=”Submit”>
Explanation of max attribute in form.
Here in the above form example, the Max Amount form input control attributes forces the web visitor to input a certain number of user values.
Form Max Input Attributes Behavior.
Here if the input control defined in the form exceeds the user value, then an error will be displayed to the user at the time of form value submission and the form submission will not happen.
Additional validation attributes in HTML5.
Form maxlength attribute.
For text-based form control input in HTML5 web development design form, you can define form control max length character numeric value attributes as required.
Example of form max length attributes.
<label for=”visitorname”>Visitor name – </label>
<input type=”text” id=”visitorname” name=”visitorname” maxlength=”30″ required>
<input type=”submit” value=”Submit”>
Form minlength attribute.
For text-based form control input in HTML5 web development design form, you can define form control min length character numeric value attributes as required.
Example of form minlength attribute.
<label for=”password”>Enter Password – </label>
<input type=”password” id=”password” name=”password” minlength=”6″ required>
<input type=”submit” value=”Submit”>
HTML5 Form Design Development Attributes Explanation.
Form validation attributes in HTML5 web development design forms improve form integrity and form user control behaviour.
- Form required attribute – Indicates HTML5 web development design form input fields with required attributes.
- Form pattern attribute – Indicates a regular expression (regex) for HTML5 web development design form custom form validation pattern attributes.
- Form min attribute – Defines the minimum value accepted for numeric or date input for HTML5 web development design form input controls.
- Form max attribute – You can define the max length acceptable value for numeric or date input in an HTML5 web development design form.