Creating and using packages in python

Creating and using packages in python

Creating new custom packages according to your specific programming needs in Python programming and using them in your existing programming project helps you to structure and manage your program source code into modules. Which you can easily use and distribute in your various Python programming projects and reuse these packages etc. Remember, there are many directories of built-in packages in Python programming, which contain Python programming modules and a special Python file. Which indicates to the Python programmer that this file is a Python package directory package file.

So let’s follow all the steps to create a package in Python programming properly.

Creating a package in Python programming.

To create a package in Python programming, you mainly follow these steps.

Create a directory for your package in Python.

Always create a directory (new folder or directory) for your custom Python package based on your specific need in Python programming. Here give a new name to the newly created directory/folder that reflects the specific purpose or functionality of the Python file package as per your programming requirement.

e.g., test_package/

Create a Python new module inside a package in Python.

Inside the test_package directory/folder in Python programming, create Python program file extension modules (.py files) that function as per the package required by the Python programmer. These newly created Python program modules contain default variables declared in all custom classes, functions or programs created by the programmer that you want to use in your existing Python program package.





└── subpackage/



Description about test_package in Python. – In Python programming, is an empty Python program file, or this file may contain beginner program source code for a Python package.,, etc. – Here test_package/ contains different program modules created by the Python programmer. Which store or define various elements of the Python package created by the programmer.

subpackage/ – Here test_package/ is a storage folder location like a subpackage or subdirectory in a package. Which already contains its own and Python module file extension.

Define package content in Python program modules.

Here each module (,, etc.) created in a Python package is defined to create classes, program functions or declare program variables associated with its specific programming functionality.

# python create

def display():

print(“\n let, explore this is the example of module0”)


def join_integer(p, q):

return p + q

# let create file in python

def square(p):

return p ** 2

Use alternative subdirectories for subpackages in Python programming.

Remember, if your Python program package becomes large or complex, you can easily manage or control it as a subdirectory (subpackage) with your custom files.

Using Python packages.

Remember, once you have created your required package in Python, you can use it as many times as you want in your Python programming script or project.

Importing an entire package or module in a Python file.

Import an entire package or specific module from a package into a Python script depending on your programming needs.

# Using entire packages in a Python program

import test_package

test_package.module0.display() # the result is – let, explore this is the example of module0

# Importing a specific module in a Python programming

from test_package import module1

print(module1.join_integer(1, 3)) # the result is – 4

Using subpackages and submodules in Python programming.

Python programmers can access modules and submodules within their Python program packages using dot notation.

from test_package.subpackage import submodule0

print(submodule0.square(3)) # the result is – 9

Accessing package contents in a Python program.

Use Python package content elements (program functions, program classes, and variables declared in the program) as needed in your Python program application logic.

About the Python Package Element. file – Remember that in Python programming, each directory (top-level package directories) has a Python program file that starts the package or subpackage. Here this file can be empty, or it can contain the package start module source code, which is executed when the Python programmer imports the Python package or submodule.

Python package namespace management – Custom package code developed in Python programming is stored and processed in separate modules and subpackages, so that package elements manage the namespace in Python programs by preventing package file name collisions and increasing program source code clarity.

Package relative imports – Use relative imports inside your package to import modules and package submodules relative to the current module in a Python program.

Example and Use of Packages in Python.

So let’s use the test_package package with an example in Python programming.

# (outside test_package directory)

import module0 from test_package

import submodule0 from test_package.subpackage

module0.display() # the result is – let, explore this is the example of module0

print(module0.join_integer(1, 3))# the result is – 4

print(submodule0.square(6)) # the result is – 36