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Html 5 Programming
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Introduction To Python
About Python
Python features
Basic Python Syntax
Variables and data types (integers floats strings booleans) in python
Operators (arithmetic, comparison, logical) in python
Print statement and input from user
Control Flow
Conditional statements (if, elif, else) in python
Loops (for, while) in python
Using break and continue statements in python
Data Structures
Python Lists
Python Tuples
Dictionaries in Python
Python Functions
Defining functions in python
Function parameters and return values in python
Scope of variables in python
File Handling
Reading from and writing to files in python
Using context managers (with statement) in python
Exception Handling
Handling errors using try-except blocks python
Raising custom exceptions in python
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Classes and objects In Python
Inheritance in python
Polymorphism in python
Encapsulation in python
Modules and Packages
Importing modules in python
Creating and using packages in python
Exploring standard library modules in python
Advanced Data Structures
Python Sets
Collections module (deque, namedtuple, defaultdict, etc.) in python
Functional Programming
Lambda functions in python
Map, filter, reduce in python
Regular Expressions
Pattern matching with re module in python
Introduction to HTML
About html
Html Features
Basic HTML Document Structure
The HTML document skeleton
Basic HTML tags and their functions
Creating a Simple Web Page
Writing and saving your first HTML file
Viewing HTML in a browser
Headings and Paragraphs
Html Headings Tag
Paragraphs (p) html tag
Text Formatting
Bold (), Italic (), and Underline () html tag
Superscript () and Subscript () html tag
Text Alignment and Line Breaks
Aligning text with CSS in html
Line breaks () and horizontal rules () html tag
Creating Lists
Ordered lists () html tag
Unordered lists () html tag
List items (li) html tag
Adding Links
Hyperlinks () html tag
Attributes: href, target, title html tag
Linking to sections within the same page html
Embedding Images
Img html tag
Attributes: src, alt, width, height in html
Incorporating Multimedia
Video and audio tag in html
Controls and attributes for multimedia elements in html
Creating Tables
Basic table structure: table, tr, td, th in html
Attributes and table styling in html
Building Forms
Form elements: form, input, textarea, button, select, option in html
Form attributes: action, method, name in html
Html 5
Introduction to HTML5
About Html 5
Html 5 Features
Overview of HTML5 and its evolution
Basic structure of an HTML5 document
New HTML5 document types and doctype declaration
Introduction to HTML5 elements html, head, body, title
HTML5 Structural Elements
Semantic elements: header, footer, article, section, nav, aside
Creating and structuring web pages with semantic HTML
HTML5 vs. XHTML and legacy HTML
Text and Content Formatting
Text formatting tags: h1 to h6, p, b, i, strong, em
Lists: ul, ol, li
Block-level vs. inline elements
Links, Images, and Multimedia
Creating hyperlinks with a
Adding images with img
Introduction to the figure and figcaption elements
Embedding audio and video with audio and video
Understanding the and elements for multimedia
Forms and Input Controls
Form elements: form, input, textarea, button, select, label
New input types in HTML5: email, url, date, range, color
Form validation attributes: required, pattern, min, max
Creating accessible forms
Advanced HTML5 Features
Introduction to the svg element for scalable vector graphics
Introduction to CSS
What is CSS?
About css
Features of Css
CSS Syntax: Selectors, Properties, Values
Including CSS in HTML Inline, Internal, External
Selectors and Combinators
Types of Selectors: Element, Class, ID
Attribute Selectors
Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-elements
The Box Model
Components: Content, Padding, Border, Margin
Box-sizing in css
Layout with the Box Model
Positioning And Layout
Positioning: Static, Relative, Absolute, Fixed, Sticky
Display Property: Block, Inline, Flex, Grid
Setting up a Flex Container
Flex Properties: Justify-content, Align-items, Flex-direction
CSS Grid
Typography And Text Styling
Advanced CSS Techniques
Responsive Design
About W3.CSS
Features of W3.CSS
C Programming
Introduction to C Programming
About C Programming
Features of C Programming
Basic Syntax and Data Types
Variables and constants in C
Keywords and identifiers
Data types in C
Basic input/output (printf, scanf)
Operators and Expressions
Arithmetic operators
Relational operators
Logical operators
Assignment operators
Increment and decrement operators
Control Flow Statements
Decision making (if-else, switch-case)
Loops (while, do-while, for)
Break and continue statements
Declaration and initialization
Accessing array elements
Multi-dimensional arrays
Declaration and definition
Passing arguments to functions
Return values
Basics of pointers
Pointer arithmetic
Pointer to functions
Dynamic memory allocation (malloc, calloc, realloc, free)
String Declaration and initialization
String manipulation functions (strcpy, strcat, strlen, etc.)
Character arrays vs. string literals
Structures and Unions
Structure Declaration and definition
Accessing structure members
Nested structures in c
Structure pointers
Union in c language
File Handling
File operations (opening, closing, reading, writing)
Sequential and random file access
Error handling
Preprocessor Directives
Macros in c
Conditional compilation in c
File inclusion in c
Advanced Concepts (Optional)
Enumerations in c
Typedef in c
Bitwise operators in c
Command-line arguments in c
C ++
About C ++
Features of C++
About Java
Features of Java
About Sql
Features of Sql
About Php
Features of Php
C #
About C# Programming
Features of C#
Java Script
About Java Script
Features of Java Script
Toggle the button to expand or collapse the Menu
C Programming
C Programming
Introduction To Python
About Python
Python features
Basic Python Syntax
Variables and data types (integers floats strings booleans) in python
Operators (arithmetic, comparison, logical) in python
Print statement and input from user
Control Flow
Conditional statements (if, elif, else) in python
Loops (for, while) in python
Using break and continue statements in python
Data Structures
Python Lists
Python Tuples
Dictionaries in Python
Python Functions
Defining functions in python
Function parameters and return values in python
Scope of variables in python
File Handling
Reading from and writing to files in python
Using context managers (with statement) in python
Exception Handling
Handling errors using try-except blocks python
Raising custom exceptions in python
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Classes and objects In Python
Inheritance in python
Polymorphism in python
Encapsulation in python
Modules and Packages
Importing modules in python
Creating and using packages in python
Exploring standard library modules in python
Advanced Data Structures
Python Sets
Collections module (deque, namedtuple, defaultdict, etc.) in python
Functional Programming
Lambda functions in python
Map, filter, reduce in python
Regular Expressions
Pattern matching with re module in python
Introduction to HTML
About html
Html Features
Basic HTML Document Structure
The HTML document skeleton
Basic HTML tags and their functions
Creating a Simple Web Page
Writing and saving your first HTML file
Viewing HTML in a browser
Headings and Paragraphs
Html Headings Tag
Paragraphs (p) html tag
Text Formatting
Bold (), Italic (), and Underline () html tag
Superscript () and Subscript () html tag
Text Alignment and Line Breaks
Aligning text with CSS in html
Line breaks () and horizontal rules () html tag
Creating Lists
Ordered lists () html tag
Unordered lists () html tag
List items (li) html tag
Adding Links
Hyperlinks () html tag
Attributes: href, target, title html tag
Linking to sections within the same page html
Embedding Images
Img html tag
Attributes: src, alt, width, height in html
Incorporating Multimedia
Video and audio tag in html
Controls and attributes for multimedia elements in html
Creating Tables
Basic table structure: table, tr, td, th in html
Attributes and table styling in html
Building Forms
Form elements: form, input, textarea, button, select, option in html
Form attributes: action, method, name in html
Html 5
Introduction to HTML5
About Html 5
Html 5 Features
Overview of HTML5 and its evolution
Basic structure of an HTML5 document
New HTML5 document types and doctype declaration
Introduction to HTML5 elements html, head, body, title
HTML5 Structural Elements
Semantic elements: header, footer, article, section, nav, aside
Creating and structuring web pages with semantic HTML
HTML5 vs. XHTML and legacy HTML
Text and Content Formatting
Text formatting tags: h1 to h6, p, b, i, strong, em
Lists: ul, ol, li
Block-level vs. inline elements
Links, Images, and Multimedia
Creating hyperlinks with a
Adding images with img
Introduction to the figure and figcaption elements
Embedding audio and video with audio and video
Understanding the and elements for multimedia
Forms and Input Controls
Form elements: form, input, textarea, button, select, label
New input types in HTML5: email, url, date, range, color
Form validation attributes: required, pattern, min, max
Creating accessible forms
Advanced HTML5 Features
Introduction to the svg element for scalable vector graphics
Introduction to CSS
What is CSS?
About css
Features of Css
CSS Syntax: Selectors, Properties, Values
Including CSS in HTML Inline, Internal, External
Selectors and Combinators
Types of Selectors: Element, Class, ID
Attribute Selectors
Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-elements
The Box Model
Components: Content, Padding, Border, Margin
Box-sizing in css
Layout with the Box Model
Positioning And Layout
Positioning: Static, Relative, Absolute, Fixed, Sticky
Display Property: Block, Inline, Flex, Grid
Setting up a Flex Container
Flex Properties: Justify-content, Align-items, Flex-direction
CSS Grid
Typography And Text Styling
Advanced CSS Techniques
Responsive Design
About W3.CSS
Features of W3.CSS
C Programming
Introduction to C Programming
About C Programming
Features of C Programming
Basic Syntax and Data Types
Variables and constants in C
Keywords and identifiers
Data types in C
Basic input/output (printf, scanf)
Operators and Expressions
Arithmetic operators
Relational operators
Logical operators
Assignment operators
Increment and decrement operators
Control Flow Statements
Decision making (if-else, switch-case)
Loops (while, do-while, for)
Break and continue statements
Declaration and initialization
Accessing array elements
Multi-dimensional arrays
Declaration and definition
Passing arguments to functions
Return values
Basics of pointers
Pointer arithmetic
Pointer to functions
Dynamic memory allocation (malloc, calloc, realloc, free)
String Declaration and initialization
String manipulation functions (strcpy, strcat, strlen, etc.)
Character arrays vs. string literals
Structures and Unions
Structure Declaration and definition
Accessing structure members
Nested structures in c
Structure pointers
Union in c language
File Handling
File operations (opening, closing, reading, writing)
Sequential and random file access
Error handling
Preprocessor Directives
Macros in c
Conditional compilation in c
File inclusion in c
Advanced Concepts (Optional)
Enumerations in c
Typedef in c
Bitwise operators in c
Command-line arguments in c
C ++
About C ++
Features of C++
About Java
Features of Java
About Sql
Features of Sql
About Php
Features of Php
C #
About C# Programming
Features of C#
Java Script
About Java Script
Features of Java Script
Home Page
Python Programming
C Programming
C ++ Programming
C# Programming
Assembly language
Dart Programming
Delphi Programming
Go language
Kotlin Programming
Matlab Programming
Perl Programming
R language
Ruby programming
Swift Programming
Typescript Language
Database Design
Microsoft Sql Server
Postgre Sql
Web Development
Html Programming
Html 5 Programming
CSS Scripting
Bootstrap Css
Bulma Css
Tailwind Css
W3.CSS Scripting
Java Script
Angular Js
Ajax Development
ExpressJs Framework
Jquery Library
Node.Js Framework
Privacy Policy
About Us
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Web Hosting Q & A
search engine optimization Seo Q & A
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