Multi-dimensional arrays

Multi-dimensional arrays

Multi-dimensional arrays in C programming allow you to store array data types in more than one dimension. Here multi-dimensional arrays involve storing, displaying or processing array elements in a table or matrix form. Where essentially declaring array elements is a matrix or table-like structure format of variable elements.

Multi-dimensional arrays

So let’s see how we can declare, initialize, access and process multi-dimensional arrays in C language.

Multi-dimensional array declaration in C language.

Multi-dimensional array in C program is declared by defining multiple sets of square brackets [ ] where each set represents a different dimensional row and column order of the array. Where these 3d or multi-dimensional arrays are stored in multiple row column format.

Multi-dimensional array example.

datatype arrayname[arraysize1][arraysize2]…[numberofsizeN];

datatype array – In datatype array you specify the default data type of array elements. For example, (int, char, double, long double etc.)

arrayname – Array name is the program identifier used to refer to the declared array variable name.

arraysize1, arraysize2, …, arrayofsizeN – Here you specify the size of each dimension of the declared array in the C program. This declared array should be in a constant integer format.

Initialization of Multi-dimensional array in C program.

In C program, multi-dimensional array is initialized at the time of declaration similar to one-dimensional array. Here you are given an example of initializing a simple 2 dimensional array in C program.

int table[3][3] = {

{3 , 1, 4},

{9, 2, 7},

{5, 6, 8}


The above example shows a table format consisting of a 3×3 array row column of integers initialized with array values ​​declared as the table name. Where each multi-dimensional row is declared within curly braces {}, and stored array integer elements separated by the comma operator.

Accessing elements in multi-dimensional arrays in C.

Accessing array elements in a multi-dimensional array involves specifying the array index memory location for each dimension within the square brackets [ ].

To access an element in a multi-dimensional array matrix/table array.

int arrayvalue = table[1][2]; // Accesses the element table array with row 1, column 2 output value is – 7

Here in multi-dimensional array, table[1][2] displays the array element from the memory address by accessing the array element in the second row ([1]) and third column ([2]).

Totaling 2 Dimensional Array Elements in C Program.

So let’s add the array elements in a two dimensional array in row and column format. Here table totals all array elements in a 3×3 table matrix.

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int table[3][3] = {

{3 , 1, 4},

{9, 2, 7},

{5, 6, 8}


int total = 0;

//calculate the total of all elements in the table matrix

for (int p = 0; p < 3; p++) { // move in for Loop through the p variable rows

for (int q = 0; q < 3; q++) { // move in for Loop through the q variable columns

total += table[p][q];



printf(“\n total of all table matrix elements – %d”, total);

return 0;


Passing a multi-dimensional array to a function.

While passing a multi-dimensional array to a function in a C program, all array dimensions except the first one must be defined in the function parameter list for proper array type matching.

So let us explore a multi-dimensional array in C program that prints the elements of a 2 dimensional array in C to the console screen.

void printtable(int rows, int cols, int table[rows][cols]) {

for (int p = 0; p < rows; p++) {

for (int q = 0; q < cols; q++) {

printf(“%d “, table[p][q]);





int main() {

int table[3][3] = {

{3 , 1, 4},

{9, 2, 7},

{5, 6, 8}


// Calling the function to print the table matrix elements

printtable(3, 3, table);

return 0;


In the above 2 dimensional array example, the printtable 2d matrix is ​​defined to store 2D array elements with a specific dimensional rows and columns. While calling printtable, the array table of dimension 3 and 3 are passed as argument values ​​from the main() function.